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顾秀林转2015柏林宣言:不要转基因的欧洲,不要转基因的世界 [复制链接]

2015-05-14 15:10:38  来源:新浪博客  作者:顾秀林




  1. 补贴和扶助农业,2. 实行预防性原则;3. 污染者全责赔偿原则,4.每一个人都有选择权。


  1. 自主决定退出

  我们接受欧洲议会和欧盟委员会的协议:让成员国自行决定是否限制或者彻底禁止在它们国土上种植转基因植物。我们督促成员国在其国内和地方性立法中,最大限度地利用此一新的指导条款(new Directive (EU) 2015/412 )达到法律上的确定性。我们强调,贯彻上述新规定并不削弱欧盟在解决当前风险评估程序的不足中所具有的权威性,而采用了退出机制的成员国,也并不因此而削减在(欧盟范围相关事项上)的授权、影响和所负的责任。

  2. 欧洲蛋白策略

  欧盟进口相当于1200万公顷耕地出产的大豆、占需求量97%,已经危及欧洲食品供给独立性、造成出口国对土地的破坏性应用。欧洲不种植豆科作物实行轮作,已经对气候、土壤肥力、氮平衡和生物多样性产生巨大的负面后果。我们强烈要求欧盟议会和欧盟委员会:策划全面的欧洲蛋白策略以应对所有这些问题。 它应该有效地促进作为食品和饲料的非转基因油籽、蛋白和豆类作物在欧洲种植。这需要欧盟的共同农业政策对研发做出一致性规定。会员国应使用现有政策工具、投入充足的资金。

  3. TTIP 环大西洋贸易伙伴协定


  4. 对转基因的容忍度


  5. 非转基因食品的标签制度

  消费者购买食品时必须有一个关于转基因的完全透明的、完整的选择权,其中必须包括用转基因饲料喂养的动物及产品。 我们要求全欧洲像德国、法国、奥地利和卢森堡一样对动物产品做标识,在全欧洲的统一标识制度建立之前,先在各国内对非转基因饲料动物产品进行统一标识。欧盟成员国应该支持并参与起草一个国际性非转基因食品的标识标准,如Moravske Toplice首创的流程。

  6. 关于新技术


  参会者来自以下国家: 阿尔巴尼亚、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、克罗地亚、捷克、厄瓜多尔、法国、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、肯尼亚、科索沃、拉脱维亚、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、墨西哥、尼泊尔、荷兰、新西兰、尼日利亚、北爱尔兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、马其顿共和国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、塞拉利昂、斯洛文尼亚、南非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、坦桑尼亚、多哥、土耳其、乌干达、英国、乌克兰、美国、乌兹别克斯坦、赞比亚



  Berlin, May 8, 2015 On the occasion of the Conference “GMO-free Europe - Future Opportunities and Challenges“ of the 64 GM-free Regions of
  Europe, the GMO-NGO-Network and the Danube Soya Association from May 6 to 8, 2015
  The participants emphasize the four guiding principles and objectives: • Subsidiarity Principle, • Precautionary Principle, • Polluter-pays-Principle,
  • Freedom of choice for everybody and point out the following:
  Opt Out
  We accept the compromise reached by the European Parliament and the Council regarding the possibility for Member States to restrict or prohibit the
  cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on their territory. We urge Member States to make the most effective use of this new Directive
  (EU) 2015/412 within their national, and where appropriate, regional legislation and ensuring legal certainty of territorial bans on cultivation. We
  emphasise that the adoption and implementation of Directive (EU) 2015/412 does not diminish the necessity to resolve shortcomings of the
  authorisation and risk assessment procedure at the EU level in any way. Furthermore, making use of the opt-out option cannot reduce a Member
  States’ influence and responsibility within the authorisation procedure.
  European Protein Strategy
  The European Union’s soya imports are equivalent to 12 million hectares of arable land and account for 97% of its demand. This jeopardizes the
  independence of the EU food supply and causes destructive land use practices in exporting countries. The widespread absence of legumes from crop
  rotations in Europe has huge negative consequences for our climate, soil fertility, nitrogen balance and biodiversity.
  We demand that the EU Parliament and Commission develop a coherent European Protein Strategy to address all these issues. It should effectively
  promote the sustainable production and use as food and feed of GMO-free oilseeds, protein crops and legumes in Europe. This requires research,
  development efforts as well as coherent provisions of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. Member states should use existing instruments of the CAP
  and commit sufficient R&D funds to this end.
  We demand that EU standards on health, the environment, legal certainty and democracy must not be lowered by TTIP or any other free trade
  agreements. The precautionary principle, as a fundamental principle of EU policies, must not be undermined. We point out that neither existing nor
  future safety and labelling rules of the EU and its Member States may be restricted or prohibited by the TTIP or other free trade agreements.
  Low Level Presence
  GMO-free products and seed must remain GMO-free. We therefore demand that no thresholds are established for the contamination of food and feed
  with GMOs not authorized within the EU. For seeds, not labelled as GMO, the current zero tolerance principle for GMO contamination must be
  Consumers must have a right to full transparency and choice on the use of GMOs in the food they buy. This must also include the use of GMO feed in
  animal products. We are calling for a European wide harmonized approach to non-GMO-labelling on animal products. In the absence of such a
  system we ask national governments to implement national labelling systems for animal products fed without GMOs, which already exist in Germany,
  France, Austria and Luxembourg. Member states should support and participate in drafting an international GMO-free labelling standard, for example
  the process initiated in Moravske Toplice.
  New Technologies
  The precautionary principle also should apply for new technologies of genetic modification. New technologies, not yet known when defining GMOs
  about 25 years ago, have to be assessed in a common coherent and transparent EU-process and must not be abused to undermine the present EU
  GMO legislation, safety and international standards.
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