2014-03-30 15:44:29 来源:俄罗斯之声 作者:记者

http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_03_27/Russia-to-protect-citizens-from-GMO-food-without-violating-its-WTO-obligations-Putin-4390/ 普京总统(本周四,3-27)在与上议院医院会面时称:“我们必须在不违反时髦组织规定的义务下开展工作,但即使考虑到所有约束条件,我们仍然有合法的方法和手段来保护国内市场和民众。” 普京指出,我们必须保护市场和国民免受劣质产品和食品的毒害,特别是那些消费后果尚未得到充分研究的产品和食品。 普京称:“我们有能力也必须付诸行动”,同时指出,联合国安理会最近讨论了这一问题。 普京再次强调,“我们必须小心行事,不破坏我们在世贸组织必须承担的义务,但是我们可以做到”。他同时指出,必须使用科学和实验研究成果。“我们将和公众、专家和代表们共同完成这项使命”。 普京遗憾地指出,俄罗斯对转基因生物的应用缺乏控制权。他表示:“我们无法半分之百搞清楚进入我们市场的产品”。 会议期间,一名参议员指出,转基因种子的营业额约为500亿美元,而且美国是转基因种子专利的主要持有者。这位参议员要求普京总统对此加以控制,同时表示,已提交一项法律草案,禁止俄罗斯进口转基因食品。 英文原文: Russia has enough mechanisms to protect the market and citizens from genetically modified food, without violating its obligations to the WTO, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. "We must build our work so as it will not be contrary to our obligations within the WTO, but even with the circumstance taken into consideration, we nevertheless have lawful methods and instruments to protect the domestic market and citizens," the president noted during the meeting with members of the council of the parliament's upper house. The market and citizens must be protected from poor-quality products and food, consequences of consumption of which are not fully studied yet, he notes. "We can, must and will do it," Putin said, noting that the issue was discussed by the Security Council recently. "We must act carefully, not to the detriment of our obligations within the WTO, but it can be done," the president repeated, noting scientific and laboratory research should be used. "We will do it together with the public, specialists and deputies," he said. Putin with regret noted there was no control over GMO use. "We cannot 100 percent say what a volume enters our market," he said. During the meeting, one of the senators noted the turnover of GMO seeds amounted to about $50 billion. The main holder of the right was the United States, he said. The senator asked the president to control it and noted that a draft law was submitted to ban import of such food into the country. Voice of Russia, TASS