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发表于 2015-10-08 12:04
2015-10-08 08:16:56 来源:陈一文博客 作者:综合 某地食品加工厂,用“20公斤桶装正规生产厂家产品,标注为一级大豆油”,操作车间“通风条件不好”。一位操作女工人从“2013年前后”开始在此操作车间工作,“2014年开始手脚麻木,然后开始头晕,今年初开始走路不稳”,到省医院检查;省“医学院附属医院神经内科住院治疗期间进行了多项体检,未发现明显病因,确诊为多发性周围神经病。目前唯一致病直接证据就是正己烷”,“出院时,多名医生和医师口头确认不排除这种可能性,表示这种病例很少见。”这位患者是一位网友的妻子,他强调“目前最关心的是治疗”,不希望妻子被打扰,为此对其姓名、城市与诊断省医院名字匿名不公布。【此病例意义重大:揭示含正己烷、草甘膦残留“化学浸出”转基因豆油确实有毒必须禁绝:长期接触这种豆油加工食品挥发气体一年左右,可诱发多发性周围神经病!呼吁广大网友了解报告“化学浸出”转基因豆油食品加工、餐厅厨房、煎炸食品相关更多多发性周围神经病案例!】 Afood processing factory in China, uses chemical solvent extracted"grade 1 soybean oil, 20 kg container packaged, produced by anormal food oil producer", "ventilation is poor" in the foodprocessing workshop. A female worker began to work in this workshopfrom "around 2013", "beginning in 2014, hands and feet begannumbness, then began to feel dizzy, early this year began to walkunstable", went to the hospital for examination; "a series ofexaminations were made during hospitalization at the provincialmedical college attached hospital neurology, no apparent cause wasfound and was diagnosed with multiple peripheral neuropathy. Todate the only direct evidence of cause of the disease wasn-hexane", "when the patient left the hospital, many doctors andphysicians orally confirmed that they would not eliminate suchpossibility, and said it is a rare case." The patient is the wifeof the individual reporting this case on the internet, heemphasized "at present they are most interested in medicaltreatment", does not want his wife be disturbed, accordingly, the name of thepatient, city and hospital is kept anonymous and notreported. 【This case has important significance: It revealsthat chemical solvent extracted GM soybean oil with n-hexane,glyphosate residue truly is toxic and must be banned: Long-termexposure for about a year inhaling evaporated fume from foodprocessing with this type of soybean oil, could inducemultiple peripheral neuropathy! Call on internetfans to learn and report more multiple peripheral neuropathypatients relevant to food processing, canteen kitchens, food fryingwith chemical solvent extracted GM soybeanoil!】  此病例意义重大: This case has importantsignificance: 1)国内外一系列研究揭示:正己烷致帕金森病与糖尿病患者周围神经病变14科学证据 1) Aseries of Chinese and overseas studies reveal:14scientific evidence showing that n-hexane causes peripheralneuropathy to Parkinson disease and diabetespatients 2)国内外另外一些研究揭示:草甘膦致帕金森病与糖尿病患者周围神经病变18科学证据 2) Aseries of other Chinese and overseas studies reveal:18scientific evidence showing that glyphosate causes peripheralneuropathy to Parkinson disease and diabetespatients 3)揭示含正己烷、草甘膦残留的“化学浸出”转基因豆油确实有毒,必须禁绝:长期接触吸入加工食品时挥发气体一年左右,即可诱发多发性周围神经病! 3) Reveals that chemical solvent extracted GM soybeanoil with n-hexane, glyphosate residue truly is toxic, must bebanned: Long-term exposure for about a year inhaling evaporatedfume from food processing with this type of soybean oil, couldinduce multiple peripheral neuropathy! 4)间接表明,长期持续食用含有致神经毒性正己烷、草甘膦残留的食物,不可避免造成长期慢性神经毒性,损害周围神经系统、中枢神经系统与大脑的发育与功能! 4)Indirectly indicates, long-term ongoing consume of food withneurotoxicity causing neurotoxin n-hexane, glyphosate residue,inevitably causes long-term chronic neurotoxicity, damage ofperipheral nervous system, central nervous system, braindevelopment and function. 5)中国大多数民众长期持续食用含正己烷、草甘膦残留“化学浸出”转基因豆油、菜籽油及其各种名目“调和油”、添加“化学浸出”转基因大豆蛋白粉香肠、火腿肠、冷冻食品、饼干、蛋糕、面包、面粉等,必定增加多发性周围神经病、大脑功能障碍等慢性神经性中毒疾病! 6) Most Chinese people long-term ongoing consumechemical solvent extracted GM soybean oil, canola oil and theirnumerous kinds of Mixed Oil, add chemical solvent extracted GMsoybean protein powder, with n-hexane, glyphosate residues, tosausages, ham, frozen foods, biscuits, cakes, bread, wheat flour,surely increases multiple peripheral neuropathy, braindysfunction and other types of chronic neuropathic toxicity diseases! 6)中国新生儿母乳率仅30%左右,降生后依赖婴幼儿配方乳粉新生儿喂养比例高达70%!婴幼儿配方乳粉大多添加含正己烷、草甘膦残留“化学浸出”转基因豆油及其“化学浸出”转基因大豆蛋白粉,严重损伤婴幼神经系统与大脑正常发育! 6)Chinese newborns breastfeeding rate is only about 30%, meaning thatthe feeding rate of infants relying on infant formula powder is ashigh as 70%! Most infant formula products are added with chemicalsolvent extracted GM soybean oil and GM soybean protein powder withn-hexane, glyphosate residues, surely cases serious damage tonormal development of the nervous system and brain ofinfants! 7) “化学浸出”油产业、“化学浸出”转基因大豆蛋白粉产业、添加使用“化学浸出”豆油与转基因大豆蛋白粉的食品加工产业与婴幼儿配方乳粉产业,食品安全监管机构,及其辩护者,如果不服上述结论,请你们举证低微量口服正己烷、草甘膦残留的长期与多代毒理学动物试验,否则闭嘴! 7)The chemical solvent extraction oil industry, the GM soybeanprotein powder industry, the industry of food products industry,and the infant formula products industry, using or adding GMsoybean oil and GM soybean protein powder, food safety regulatoryinstitutions, and their defenders, if you do not agree with theabove conclusions, then please present evidence of low level oraln-hexane, glyphosate long-term and multiple-generation exposuretoxicology animal tests; without such evidence, thenshut-up!