
阿米蒂·帕耶(Amity Paye),2014年5月6日

“每个人都很难过,我想我们中的一些人很吃惊,但是大部分人对这个裁决并不感到意外……这是合法的歪曲,但是我并不震惊,为塞西莉声张正义小组的成员尤尼·米勒(Yoni Miller)说。该小组是由一群老兵组成,他们组织起来支持麦克米兰。
对麦克米兰的审判漫长而拖沓。两年多后,由于陪审团的选择问题,审判程序再次推迟到4月7日。而占领活动家们争论谁应首先受审,塞西莉还是博维尔警官,罗纳德·齐威波(Ronald Zweibel)法官一再否决法庭审理程序中包含有“占领华尔街运动”警方暴力这个更大的背景。
然而,虽然审判结果也许还不算是意外,结果仍然打破了纽约占领运动的趋势。在事件当晚,占领运动活动家肖恩·施拉德尔(Shawn Schrader)和麦克米兰一样也被送往医院。在12月,他获得了纽约警察局82500美元的和解金额。而在三月,另一名占领运动活动家迈克尔·普里莫被判无罪,他的律师们利用他被逮捕的视频,证明他没有攻击警官的行为,纽约警察局捏造了这个事件的事实。在整个国家,占领抗议者们同样没有发现有犯罪行为,案件或者被驳回,或者从他们被逮捕的警察机关获得大量的和解金额。
麦克米兰的有罪裁决使她成为一小群占领抗议者中的一员,这些抗议者在被逮捕后实际上被监禁。另一个案例是马克·亚当斯(Mark Adams),他是一名占领运动活动家,参与了纽约杜瓦特广场的抗议活动。2012年当他在雷克斯岛监狱服刑29天后,他被称为占领运动“第一个政治犯”。
(来源:http://www.thenation.com/article/179695/guilty-occupy-activist-cecily-mcmillan-now-faces-7-years-prison# )
Guilty: Occupy Activist Cecily McMillan Now Faces up to 7 Years in Prison
With Monday’s verdict, McMillan became one of the first Occupy activists to face serious jail time.
Amity Paye May 6, 2014
阿米蒂·帕耶(Amity Paye),2014年5月6日
Occupy Wall Street activist Cecily McMillan has been in and out of court for the past two years. On Monday, she became one of the first Occupy protesters to face serious jail time when jurors found her guilty of second-degree assault, which could carry a seven-year sentence.
McMillan was arrested on March 17, 2012, as she left Zuccotti Park during a protest to celebrate the six-month anniversary of OWS. She was one of about seventy arrested that night, most of whom have had their charges dropped. But while McMillan has been found guilty of assaulting NYPD officer GrantleyBovell, she maintains that she reacted instinctively, elbowing Bovell in the face after her breast was grabbed during her arrest.

During the incident she was beaten and suffered a seizure before being hospitalized for cuts and bruises on her back, shoulders, head and breast.
Monday, McMillan was sent directly to Rikers Island until May 19, when she will receive her final sentencing.
“Cecily has been found guilty. 6pm solidarity rally at Liberty Square. No JUSTICE? No PEACE! #Justice4Cecily,” read the text message sent out to hundreds of Occupy supporters and activists by the OWS communications team.
McMillan’s supporters rallied immediately outside the courthouse after her guilty verdict was announced and headed to Zuccotti. At the rally, more than fifty protesters chanted, “Prosecute the cops for sexual assault,” and held a speak-out. Others wore cut-outs of pink handprints, which were banned from court, symbolizing McMillan’s assault, and chalked statements on the cement that read, “warning NYPD may sexually assault you in this park.”
But while her supporters cried justice, the verdict was not all that unexpected. In March, McMillan’s friends and supporters held a gathering at her house called “the last dance” and McMillan had begun to

get her affairs in orderfor the start of proceedings on April 7. If she had not been found guilty, Cecily’s friends say she planned to finish her masters degree and eventually move to Atlanta.
“Everyone is quite upset and I think some of us are quite surprised but most of us are not surprised at the verdict….It’s a legal travesty but I am not shocked,” said Yoni Miller, a member of the #JusticeforCecily Team, a group of Occupy veterans organizing to help support McMillan.
“每个人都很难过,我想我们中的一些人很吃惊,但是大部分人对这个裁决并不感到意外……这是合法的歪曲,但是我并不震惊,为塞西莉声张正义小组的成员尤尼·米勒(Yoni Miller)说。该小组是由一群老兵组成,他们组织起来支持麦克米兰。
McMillan’s trial was long and drawn out. After more than two years, proceedings were postponed yet again on April 7 because of issues with jury selection. While activists argued over who should be tried (Cecily or Officer Bovell) in the first place, Judge Ronald Zweibel repeatedly ruled against the inclusion in court proceedings of the larger context of OWS police violence.
对麦克米兰的审判漫长而冗长。两年多后,由于陪审团的选择问题,审判程序再次推迟到4月7日。而占领活动家们争论谁应首先受审,塞西莉还是博维尔警官,罗纳德·齐威波(Ronald Zweibel)法官一再否决法庭审理程序中包含有“占领华尔街运动”警方暴力这个更大的背景。
“It has been clear from day one that Cecily has not received a fair and open trial. The job of a judge during a jury trial isn’t to guide the verdict to fit his opinion. Judge Zweibel, who consistently suppressed evidence, has demonstrated his clear bias by consistently siding with the prosecution,” wrote the #Justice4Cecily Team in a statement Monday.
“Its been something like over forty times that she’s been in court about this trial,” said Stan Williams, a member of the #JusticeforCecily Team. “We have been always waiting and that’s a big stress.”
However, while the verdict may not have been a surprise, the outcome still breaks with the trend of Occupy cases in New York. Occupy activist Shawn Schrader, who was also hospitalized on the same night as McMillan’s incident, won an $82,500 settlement against the NYPD in December. In March, another Occupy activist, Michael Primo, was found not guilty of assaulting an officer after his lawyers were able to prove, using video of his arrest, that the NYPD had fabricated information about the incident.

Around the country Occupy protesters have similarly been found not guilty, had cases dismissed or received large settlements from their arresting police force.
然而,虽然审判结果也许还不算是意外,结果仍然打破了纽约占领运动的趋势。在事件当晚,占领运动活动家肖恩·施拉德尔(Shawn Schrader)和麦克米兰一样也被送往医院。在12月,他获得了纽约警察局82500美元的和解金额。而在三月,另一名占领运动活动家迈克尔·普里莫被判无罪,他的律师们利用他被逮捕的视频,证明他没有攻击警官的行为,纽约警察局捏造了这个事件的事实。在整个国家,占领抗议者们同样没有发现有犯罪行为,案件或者被驳回,或者从他们被逮捕的警察机关获得大量的和解金额。
McMillan’s guilty verdict puts her among a tiny group of Occupy protesters actually jailed after their arrests. One other example is Mark Adams, an activist who has been called the “first political prisoner” of the Occupy Movement after serving twenty-nine days in jail on Rikers Island in 2012 for his involvement in a protest at New York’s Duarte Square.
麦克米兰的有罪裁决使她成为一小群占领抗议者中的一员,这些抗议者在被逮捕后实际上被监禁。另一个案例是马克·亚当斯(Mark Adams),他是一名占领运动活动家,参与了纽约杜瓦特广场的抗议活动。2012年当他在雷克斯岛监狱服刑29天后,他被称为占领运动“第一个政治犯”。
During the thirteen days that McMillan will spend at Rikers Island, her legal team will prepare her case for appeals. Members of the Justice for Cecily team have also begun to publicize McMillan’s East Elmhurst address and urge her supporters to send her mail, which they will then forward to her at Rikers.
“Dearest comrades,” wrote McMillan in her last public statement on February 9. “It is because of you that I will walk into that courtroom with my head held high; I am truly honored to stand beside you. Occupy.”